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Modeling He-rich subdwarfs through the hot-flasher scenario, Miller Bertolami, M. M., Althaus, L. G., Unglaub, K., Weiss, A., 2008, A&A, 491, 253 (pdf)
Evidence of thin helium envelopes in PG 1159 stars, Althaus, L. G., Córsico, A. H., Miller Bertolami, M. M., García-Berro, E.; Kepler, S. O., 2008, ApJ, 677, 35 (pdf)
Gravitational settling of 22Ne and white dwarf evolution, García-Berro, E., Althaus, L. G., Córsico, A. H., Isern, J., 2008, ApJ, 677, 473 (pdf)
Asteroseismological measurements on PG 1159-035, the prototype of the GW Virginis variable stars, Córsico, A. H., Althaus, L. G., Kepler, S. O., Costa, J. E. S., Miller Bertolami, M. M., A&A, 478, 869 (pdf)
White dwarf luminosity and mass functions from Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra, De Gennaro, S., von Hippel, T.; Winget, D. E., Kepler, S. O., Nitta, A., Koester, D., Althaus, L. G., 2008, AJ, 135, 1 (pdf)
On the systematics of asteroseismological mass determinations of PG 1159 stars, Althaus, L. G., Córsico, A. H., Kepler, S. O., Miller Bertolami, M. M., 2008, A&A, 478, 175 (pdf)
The pulsation modes of the pre-white dwarf PG 1159-035, Costa, J. E. S., Kepler, S. O., Winget, D. E., O'Brien, M. S., Kawaler, S. D., Costa, A. F. M., Giovannini, O., Kanaan, A., Mukadam, A. S., Mullally, F., and 68 coauthors, 2008, A&A, 477, 627 (pdf)